
Monday, 7 October 2013

Independent research

   Underwater Archaeologist
purpose: the  purpose of my report is to show my audience about interesting things about  underwater archaeology.
To guide my research I asked Questions
What is an underwater archaeologist?
why are so they important?
What do they mostly study about?
What do they do underwater?
What is baleen made out of?
How far can divers go underwater before the pressure crushes them?
what kind of people are involved in underwater archaeology?
what kind of schooling is required for underwater archaeology?
what does a underwater archaeology do?
Dark ghost shark: cuvier Island coromandel -Depth 329 to 366m.
Black dragon fish: challenger plateau Depth 900m.
Vent worms: Most of the world’s known hydrothermal vents are covered in vent worms.
A top kermadec predator: Galapagos shark. Found in west of Napier Island, Kermadec Islands Depth 55 to 80m.
Angler fish: The baby fish is attach beneath the female fish (mum fish).
Answer to the questions:
1) Underwater archaeology is simply done underwater. Shipwrecks are the most common site studied.
2) Archaeology is the closest thing we have to a time machine. Its is the only way we can know the unrecorded, and sometimes even the recorded, past. History may be written by the victorious, but archaeology is the most common people.
3) shipwrecks.
4) They look for stuff from the past and stuff that we haven’t seen before but mostly they will find shipwrecks.
5) Baleen is made out of keratin. The same stuff you finger nails are made out of.
6) Water won’t crush you at any depth if you are able to fill your body (lungs, middle ear) with compressed air at the same pressure as the water.
7) marine biology.
8) in order to be an underwater archaeologist you would need a minimum of an undergraduate degree in a suitable subject and a diving certificate.   
9) plenty. to discover the buried history. they uncover history.

Last Cultural Festival

Best Night Ever!
Have you ever felt nervous and proud of yourself at same time? Well the kapa haka group and  I did.
Last Night was a very astonishing night for us and St Patricks school. We were all ready to perform in front of the school and parents. But  first The kapa haka group hold hands and had a little prayer of guidance in the corridor. When we  were walking up to the hall we were cold because it was spitting and the boys had no shirts on.

Once we got the hall Mrs Bullot was doing the introduction and the and the kapa haka group opened up the ceremony. When Mrs Dines told me to lead in the kapa haka group to the stage I was nervous and proud because I was the first one on stage.

When Naanise sang the beginning of the national anthem, the ‘Karanga’, it was like awesome because it takes real guts to do that. When the crowd cheered when we finish singing I felt not shy anymore the most best routine was the haka  we were slapping ourselves and stomping our feet it was a blast crowd were cheering the maori group having a great time and the year 8  and we were  enjoying ourselves because its our last time doing this. After the haka all the boys were in pain but  it felt good.

After we got changed for the Tongan group we were ready to go on to the stage.  

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

The secret of chocolate !!!

I am learning how to: Write to persuade others supporting my key ideas with evidence.

Hey are you someone that is addicted to chocolate?
Well you are about to find out what is in chocolate.

Some people see chocolate as a healthy snack but it can increase your weight and raise your sugar level!!!

First, chocolate has a lot of sugar “ example” if a pregnant woman was eating a lot of chocolate the baby and the mother might get diabetes at the same time.

Second, chocolate has a lot of calories and sugar and that sugar can give you tooth decay and sometimes headache

Third, chocolate is very yummy and it attract people  like me it is an enemy to you and your body if you wanted to lose weight then you should not eat chocolate everyday or every hour.

Chocolate can give you diabetes and who knows you might die. Chocolate is actually made out of cocoa. If chocolate is made from milk isn't that both good and bad for you? Its a source of calcium but not in sunny afternoons.

Mathematical walk in Panmure!

Today we aLim kids, (Tricia, Naanise, Asia, Agnes, Frankie, Ethan, Kryzjon, Erastus and I) went for a mathematical discovery walk out in Panmure. We saw shapes,tessellating patterns on floors,  numbers on the buses and prices on food. We took photos of stuff like the phone box, bank and the map of the world. 

We went to Settlers Tours a place where you go and pay or book a flight fare to go somewhere like Fiji. A nice travel agent named Pauline (my aunt) was very nice and answered all the questions we asked her. She told us the price  for our age like for instance when you're 12 and 13 you have to pay the adult price and when your 11 you have 75 percent off the adult price. 

We were talking about the exchange rate and the transfer. A transfer is when you hop into a plane to go to Samoa and when you get there you hop on to another plane.  Pauline taught me a lot of things about the airlines and being a travel agent and other stuff like when you book a flight and the next day you come in and say I want to cancel my flight but then you are in the dead zone at the same time because you can’t get your money back. 

Pauline also mentioned about being a travel agent and how important it is to be good at maths like in your multiplication, geometry, subtraction,fractions, addition,division and percentages. When Pauline was telling us about being an travel agent it made think that perhaps I might like to be a travel agent  in the future.

Bank                                                Travel Agent



Thursday, 22 August 2013

Funnel-Web spider

General statement:
Funnel Web Spider belongs to a big family of spiders.
Descriptions: The funnel web spiders lives up to more than 8 years or more. It is black and it has 8 legs. Their web are funnel in shape and 25 or 35 millimeters.

Habitat: Funnel- Web Spider can be found in Australia or sydney it lives in trees or barns.

Funnel web spider are large black spiders with a shiny head/thorax. The body may range from 1.5 cm  up to more than 5 cm long depending on the species. Female funnel web spider is stockier than the males, with shorter legs and a bigger abdomen, which may be brown or bluish. The eyes are small but mostly grouped. The fang bases extended horizontally.   

Conclusion:Funnel web spider is a very deadly spiders and should not be a used as a magic trick or  you want to end up like this guy.                            KNOCKOUT!!!!!!!!

Behaviour and adaptations
Male Sydney Funnel web spider have a habit of wandering into backyards suburbans swimming pools, where they can survive in many hours. They also sometimes enter and become trapped
in houses. Again, it is true  that sydney funnel web spider  have one of most toxic venom (to humans) of any spider. However  it is not true that all funnel web bites are life threatening. The venom of juvenile and female sydney funnel web spider is much less toxic. Nor do they jump onto or chse people or live in houses these all urban myths

Sydney funnel webs are shiny dark brown and black spiders with fingers like spinnerets (silk spinning-organs) at the end of their abdomen. Males have a large mating spur projecting from the middle of second pair of legs. Of threatened Sydney funnel webs show aggressive behaviour rearing and displaying their impressive fangs.          

Monday, 19 August 2013


Wednesday 29  when I was playing outside with a couple of friends we saw some little kids getting chased by a dog it was very terrifying and scary for those who were getting chased some of them were screaming and crying. One of my older friends ran up to help them well some of us stayed back. So he help them took the dog back to it’s home and told the owner everything and told the owner to chain their dog up. the owner said that he is sorry and apologise to the kids then  everything was okay. I think that dogs should be chained up and the owners should train their dogs to be calm not ruff when little kids walk by to go school or to come home, go to the shops or anywhere else.

First little kids might get attack, hurt, injured and might die. It makes it hard seeing people going to the hospital or might a very bad disease that can stop them from going to work, playing their favourite sport and many other things.

Second is very important to the kids when a vicious dog like a pitbull attack a kid it can stop them from going school playing sports like swimming, rugby, basketball  and  soccer. By us people that have dogs should train them to become calm not ruff when they see people that they don’t know. The more that they get abuse they get more aggressive.

Third, there are many other stuff to do before getting a bad disease  or get bitten in a bad place.  example maybe there might be a robber in your house but you cannot move because you bitten from the dog.

It’s very important that dogs are always supervised.  we all know that dogs sometime cannot control themselves or they just want to play around with you

Wednesday, 19 June 2013


Choices can be  positive and negative. Choices can be influenced by friends,family ,teachers. Choices have been a big part of your life ever since we were a small toddler choices will change your life but it will be a dilemma ( hard decision) sometimes it a negative choice by who you listen too like gang people bad friends even your parents but you don’t notice choices helps our mind understand right from wrong.

Friday, 24 May 2013


In Room 8 we are learning how to create a flip book click here if you want to watch it

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Special Things About My Mum

This is to my Mum. You've been the greatest mother to me teaching me many things that I don’t know or never heard in my life. My Mum acts in very different ways to me like happy, mad, sad, kind, loving, nice  but mostly forgiving  even though  I get into trouble from her I know she still loves me. My Mum is good at alot of  things sports,cooking, and representing her country TONGA. I love her because she makes time for me and when I feel like giving up she tells me to keep going and try harder don’t give up  when I play rugby and any other sports.
I love my Mum  with all my heart, soul, life and all eternity. She is the only person that fills my heart.  Without her I wouldn't be here  and I've wouldn't be at this school. My Mum is a person that respect people she likes to see my report but more importantly see us happy.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Living With Choices

We have the rights to laugh,to run,to talk,to play, to learn and to be included and to be FREE.
St Patrick's School is often referred to ' Cool School'.
We are a cool school because we are successful in our learning and we understand how the attitude we  have and the values we have can affect our learning and our lives.
Another part of being a cool school is our 'Peer Mediation program.
A peer mediation is a program helps children to solve problems that they might experience.
Mediators help people reach an agreement they DO NOT solve the problem or the conflict for the disputant. The goal of the mediation program is to: help the children gain an understanding and confidence to help them become problem solvers.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Where will I be In 10 Years?

My Future Digital Foot Print!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

First Up..

Hello, Kia ora my name is Taniela. I'm a year older and I'm back. I’m in room 8 and a new person.

Mission Charism In Action

These kids are shareing caring and helping each other.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Mission Charism in action.

At Saint Patrick’s School, people respect and value each other.  Children are confident and willing to share  their learning with others.  All children and the teachers to care for all living things in God’s Creation.  At Saint Patrick’s school everyone plays together, cooperating and including others.  From the juniors right up to the seniors in our school, the children enjoy playing  together on the playground.  Everyone is friendly at Saint Patrick’s School.  We have a special kind of Spirit - ‘the Holy Spirit.  We are strong in our faith - our belief in Christ. We work hard to increase our understanding.